点评:I had some time prior to my flight and found this temple on Google maps, walking distance from my hotel (Sunee Tower Hotel). This temple exceeded my expectations. It looks like it may be been built relatively recently. The architecture is a blend of western and Thai elements, with a pyramid/obelisk type central tower feature. The mail hall, unlike most Thai temples, with their steep roof angles, has a rounded arch section. The most interesting feature to me were these two serpent like dragons sculptures at the entrance, that tower over the gate. There were also yellow boat like sculptures full of icons by the main Viharn. A tip: take shoes that are easy to slip on and off as the building and parts of the grounds require you to remove your shoes.
翻译:我在起飞前有一段时间,在谷歌地图上找到了这座寺庙,从我的酒店(Sunee Tower Hotel)步行即可到达。这座寺庙超出了我的预期。看起来它可能是最近建造的。该建筑融合了西方和泰国元素,具有金字塔/方尖碑式中央塔楼特征。与大多数泰国寺庙不同,邮件大厅的屋顶角度很陡,有一个圆拱形部分。对我来说最有趣的特征是入口处的这两个像龙一样的蛇雕塑,高耸在大门上方。还有主要 Viharn 的黄色船状雕塑,里面装满了图标。提示:穿上容易穿脱的鞋子,因为建筑物和部分场地要求您脱鞋。