点评:This is a brilliant experience. We saw a very funny Buster Keaton movie, "Young Sherlock", with live accompaniment on the 1937 Compton organ by talented organist Ron West. It's just like going back in time to the era of silent movies. You find yourself living in the past before returning to the twenty-first century with a new appreciation of the history of film, and this theatre, which has been in operation for over 100 years.
翻译:这是一次很棒的经历。我们看了一部非常有趣的巴斯特·基顿电影《少年夏洛克》,由才华横溢的管风琴家罗恩·韦斯特在 1937 年的康普顿管风琴上现场伴奏。仿佛回到了无声电影时代。你会发现自己生活在过去,然后又回到了二十一世纪,对电影的历史和这座已经运营了 100 多年的剧院有了新的认识。