Fairfield Bay

Fairfield Bay美食



Red Tail Bar & Grill
很好 86条点评
已打烊¥¥ - ¥¥¥美式烹饪酒吧餐烤肉
Worley排名第 1 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
Raj our server was excellent kind, knowledgeable and courteous server. Raj is a keeper we were in this restaurant 3 times during our stay for breakfast and dinner. Raj by far is the best server in this restaurant. The cooks in the back making the omelettes are great as well. Including the cook running around filling the containers with the other food. Well done Gents....
Chinook Steak, Pasta & Spirits
很好 55条点评
营业中¥¥ - ¥¥¥美式烹饪牛排馆
Worley排名第 2 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
Ryan and bartender in the lounge was excellent the food was amazing. Well worth going here. Both guys are very nice and knowledgeable. Thank you to the chef as well.
Sweetgrass Cafe
很好 52条点评
已打烊¥¥ - ¥¥¥美式烹饪
Worley排名第 3 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
Twisted Earth Grill
非常棒 7条点评
Worley排名第 4 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
Huckleberry Deli
一般 13条点评
Worley排名第 5 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
I was here years ago, and I can tell the Cd'A Tribe expanded the kitchen area, which now makes it a go-to place for folks who don't want to drop a lot of nickel--after dropping a lot of nickel on their gaming addictions. Don't worry about portion control, these folks will fill your plate. None of it is 'house made,' and they don't pretend that it is. Solid gut-bustin' fare 17 hours a day. I'm more than cool with that. Breakfast is recommended, pretty darned affordable, and available all the time...
Little Dragon Eatery
一般 1条点评
Worley排名第 7 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
Coeur D'Alene
一般 3条点评
Worley排名第 8 的餐饮场所(共 8 个)
显示第 1 至7位的结果, 共 7 位