每样菜都很好吃。我们点的是,stir fry,new york steak和cheesy noodle,都很好吃。主菜配的salad和汤也很好,salad的italian汁是我吃过的最好吃的汁,cheese也很香。
Island Pie
很好 63条点评
已打烊¥¥ - ¥¥¥美式烹饪酒吧餐披萨酒馆
Deer Harbor排名第 2 的餐饮场所(共 2 个)
Casual and delicious option for families! Our gluten free & vegan kids had excellent options and enjoyed every bite. The Mac & cheese was from scratch and very tasty (small portion however). Views from the patio were beautiful.