WOW, I was totally blown away!! I have been to a few Michelin starred sushi restaurants in the SF Bay Area (and many dozens of lesser quality sushi restaurants), but Inomata is on a completely different level. Not only is the fish super fresh and melt-in-your mouth, but the flavor is so much better than any sushi t have had previously. Almost every piece of sushi was exceptional, leaving me eagerly anticipating the next one. Each portion includes a very large fish portion (as an example, the shrimp sushi, while small shrimp, included three shrimp!). Taking pictures is welcomed here, and Inomata's wife fully explained the type of fish, where is was from, and in some cases even the price they paid for it. They are so welcoming and we had such a wonderful time here! Price wise, at around 42K Yen (just over $300 USD) this is a really good deal for what you are getting here. Note that Inomata is located In a somewhat obscure location in Saitama, although only about a 30 minute train ride from our hotel in Ikebukuro. Ginza sushi restaurants that are even close to this level can cost a few hundred dollars more. I have been to a handful of restaurants over the last few decades that were truly memorable, and Inomata is one of them (in my opinion it rivals any three star Michelin restaurant in quality). Try a moderately priced Tokyo sushi restaurant (around 10K Yen) first, and then try Inomata (as we did). I can't wait to return.