We would strongly advise against staying here. It is decaying and dilapidated, with dank, dingy rooms, dirty bathrooms, exposed wires, filth in the corridors and unqualified staff. The description on the website is totally misleading. We would have been the only guests, if we had stayed: in fact, we left, rather than suffer a night in such depressing surroundings.
Despite pouring rains, the hotel looked majestic surrounded with green rice fields. It stands by itself with no other house or building in sight for atleast a few kilometres. An old nawabs kothi converted into a hotel with high ceilings and furniture reminding one of the era. Staff extremely polite and ready to cook local delicacies within no time.
A word of caution:. One needs one's own vehicle to visit as transport is difficult to get one. The hotel is 7km away from Sanchi stupa. But, it's definitely worth a stay.