Bei Unserem Besuch, früh morgens, waren wir alleine auf dem Tempelgelände. Es ist ein sehr schöner Ort der zum Verweilen einlädt.
Wat Phrachao Nang Din
非常棒 12点评
景点与地标清堪排名第 2 的景点体验 (共 8 个)
The temple is home to the famous meditating Buddha statue that is not on the platform as normal (the original one is in a mirror room, while its imitation is to the right of the room). After we had worshipped the statues, we strolled around the temple. There is a remarkable golden pagoda decorated with many Singha and elephant statues.
P.S. The information about the age of the statue (which is claimed to be 2500 years old) cannot be true. Since, the first Buddha statue was built in the reign of the Indo-Greek king "Menander I" (พระเจ้ามิลินทร์) about 2000 years ago.