点评:I got a take away yesterday 10 th Nov 24. It was disgusting. My granddaughter got Red rooster next door I got Sweet & sour chicken. We were going to eat in park. My meal was deep fried chicken in batter couldnt find much chicken in the oily batter and a third of a tray of pink watery sweet sauce with one piece of pineapple 2 slithers onion were the only veg but worse thing the sce was out of the fridge not warmed at all. I had to take it home & heat it up. $16. Should have gone to Red Rooster. Wont go back there again. I live local Kris
翻译:昨天 11 月 10 日 24 日,我点了一份外卖。太恶心了。我的孙女点了隔壁的 Red Rooster,我点了糖醋鸡。我们打算在公园吃饭。我的餐点是裹面糊的炸鸡,在油腻的面糊里找不到多少鸡肉,三分之一盘粉红色的水甜酱,一块菠萝,两片洋葱是唯一的蔬菜,但更糟糕的是,这碗菜从冰箱里拿出来时根本没有加热。我不得不把它带回家加热。16 美元。应该去 Red Rooster。不会再去那里了。我住在克里斯当地