Located in front of the SL Plaza at Shimbashi Station, McDonald's is always crowded on weekdays and holidays. The entrance and order counter are on the first floor, and seating is on the second through fourth floors and the basement level. There are more than 200 seats in total, and although it's crowded, the customer turnover is not bad, so you'll not have much trouble finding a seat. There are seats with power outlets for recharging (there are more seats on other floors as well, especially on the 4th floor), but the turnover of customers seems to be poor only for those seats.
There are some dirty areas, especially around the tray return counter and trash cans, but overall it's not dirty and seems to be kept reasonably clean.
On the other hand, there are only stairs to go up and down to each floor, and no elevators or escalators. The staircases are also narrow. It's not recommended to use the eat-in area for people with disabilities such as wheelchairs or people with large luggage.
翻译:位于新桥站SL Square前的麦当劳无论平日还是节假日总是人潮涌动。入口和点餐柜台在1楼,座位在2楼至4楼和地下1楼。总共有200多个座位,虽然人山人海,但客流从不差,找位子也不难。有带充电插座的座位(其他楼层也有,但4楼有很多座位),但另一方面,我认为顾客的流动率对那些座位不利。
位于新桥站SL Plaza前的麦当劳,平日和节假日总是人山人海。入口和点餐柜台在一楼,座位在二至四楼和地下一层。有200多个总共有几个座位,虽然人多,但客流量还不错,找个位子也不难4楼),但似乎只有那几个座位的顾客流失率很差。